Day 34 – I can do that!

“There was a prophetess, Anna, from the family of Phanuel in the tribe of Asher. Anna was very old. She had once been married for seven years. Then her husband died, and she was a widow for eighty-four years. Anna never left the Temple but worshiped God, going without food and praying day and night. standing there at that time she thanked God and spoke about Jesus to all who were waiting for God to free Jerusalem.” Luke 2:36-38.

My family and I sometimes talk about The Amazing Race, and who we would take on this type of competition. Funny thing, my name never gets mentioned when picking partners on who to take on this race. I’m good with that. I will walk humbly. My family knows there are just somethings I can’t do, and or somethings I won’t do. I don’t do heat, I won’t eat raw stuff or drink things that smell nasty. I obviously can’t run more than a half mile or so. I can’t lift a 1000 pound tractor tire and flip it over. I have limitations especially physical strength limitations.

I can’t do… but I can do…

As I read Day 34 in the book “Through Their Eyes” I realized I can do that! I can do the things Anna did.

Some bible scholars have her age at over 100, but the things she accomplished in her old age had eternal value and I can do that!

She was a prophetess. She had a gift of communicating the Truth of God’s Word. Everyone in the Temple knew this about her. They knew things she claimed He revealed to her, all came true.

I can do that. I can tell those in my sphere of influence about the truth of God’s Word.

Anna prayed day and night. I can do that. I can pray and intercede morning, noon and at night.

She fasted and prayed day and night. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

I can do that! In fervency I can cry out to God for my family, my church, my city, and my nation.

Anna spoke to all who came into her sphere of influence that God promised to send His Messiah. I can do that!

Jesus promised in John 14 that He will come back and take us to be with Him where He is. I can do what Anna did. I can tell people the truth of this promise. If Jesus said it then it will certainly come to pass.

We can do what Anna did. She was elderly but she continued to be used by God in spite of her age.

I have gone through a season searching for my purpose, have you?

Through Anna’s example, how can you find your purpose?

How did Anna spend her days?

Do you think these types of efforts could change our world around us?