The Land of Nod Experiment







Lysa Terkeurst made this statement once, “we must get our alignment right before we can get our assignment right.”

Her point being: until we get in the presence of God and align ourselves with His will; we will never get our assignment right.

Yesterday I talked about the state of wandering.  Cain lived the rest of his life in this state after he murdered his brother.  He left the presence of the Lord and he wandered for all his days in a state of confusion.  Leaving the presence of God made Cain to wander from the purpose God had for him.  God wired Cain to farm and tend the ground.  The earth gave Cain his purpose.  Tending to the earth established Cain in his everyday life.  As he went to the Land of Nod, the Land of wandering, all that was taken away from him.

My challenge for all of us today:  Click on the above YouTube link then sit on the floor in the Presence of the Lord and build the Lego project He has assigned you.  Let the Lord read the instructions.

One thought on “The Land of Nod Experiment

  1. Great opportunity to sit and be “still” with God and see what he can do with all the pieces of our lives.

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