Day 20 – The Joys of having a baby

Jesus became like us so we could become like Him.

As I wrote Day 20 in the book “Through Their Eyes” Mary is three months pregnant. She had spent her first trimester with her cousin Elizabeth. The Baby growing inside of her is the size of an orange. The Lord God is knitting Jesus together inside Mary’s womb. Jesus’ hands and feet are forming. We know this now from this side of His Story because we have 3D imaging and sonograms. I saw my grandsons sonogram pictures at this time. I could see hands and little feet. Take a moment and dwell on that fact. If Mary had been able to have 3D imaging at this time she would have seen the Hand of her Savior being formed inside of her. The thought is breathtaking right?

It is now time for Mary to return to her home in Nazareth. There are no planes, no cars, and no buses for the return trip. No, she returns by way of foot, the same way she came. Her body is changing. Her energy level probably isn’t as high as prepregnancy days. She is now housing a tiny baby inside of her. She has no idea what awaits her in Nazareth. Will she be stoned for adultery? What will Joseph do when he finds out about this pregnancy? She knows what she knows and that is all she knows. God has come to her and a miraculous event took place inside of her. She had given God her only sacrifice. She had given God her life, and now she must trust Him to take care of her. So she packs her bag and heads down hill, and back to her normal life to face what will be.

Meanwhile back in the hill country of Judea, Elizabeth time had come. She gives birth to Jesus’ cousin, and because she and Zachariah are faithful and righteous in the sight of God, they stick to the age old command of circumcision. It was the command God gave Father Abraham when He made His covenant with Abraham. The flint knife is laid out. Elizabeth hands eight day old John over. She and Zachariah were participants in the ceremony. Elizabeth would have watched a knife being taken to her baby. John would have cried, and a tear would have trickled down her cheek, yet she would obey.

Family and friends celebrate and await the naming of this baby born to this elderly couple. A miracle from God. They push in. They insert their opinions. Peer pressure bearing down upon Elizabeth and Zechariah. Poor things and poor old Zack. Still not talking. Elizabeth speaks for both. “His name is John.” His name means “Jehovah has been gracious.”

They didn’t yield to peer pressure. They stayed obedient. They gave the baby the name the Lord had given. When Zechariah wrote out John’s name, his mouth was opened and the silence of the past nine months was broken. Because of their obedience, a whole village was blessed. Because of their obedience John prepared the Way of the Lord and we were blessed. For that is the way of a person’s obedience to God. The blessings of obedience sloshes over to friends and family and to villages and then on for generations.

“A deep, reverential fear settled over the neighborhood, and in all that Judean hill country people talked about nothing else. Everyone who heard about it took it to heart, wondering, “What will become of this child? Clearly, God has His hand in this.” Luke 1:65-66 MSG

Peer pressure bears down on each of us, but if we stand firm and obey God many will reap His blessing.

What is it that God is asking you to obey?

What will be the blessing of your obedience?