ANNA a prayer warrior

”Turn my eyes away from looking at what is worthless, And revive me in Your ways.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭37‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

This was my verse this morning that has grabbed me this whole day. I keep hearing, “wasting my day away in Margaritaville.” I know an odd song for a post that is to be reflecting on Jesus, but a life wasted is a sorrowful thing. And that is what the Psalmist is saying here. He is pleading with the Lord, “Help, turn my eyes from what is worthless. Revive me in your ways.” This verse is timeless or it is for me. It begins with mind numbing internet scrolling, facebook snooping, instagram reels. Those things haven’t moved me into a closer relationship with Jesus so they are worthless minutes wasted away.

Today we are 30 days removed from Jesus’ birthday and my thoughts are still with the first people to meet Jesus. Enter Anna the prophetess of Luke 2. Setting the scene Jesus is 40 days old. It is his first trip to the Temple. Simeon had just held him in his arms and now Anna has her encounter with the baby Jesus.

”And at that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and continued to speak about Him to all those who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

Luke first describes Anna as a prophetess. Anna had a gift of communicating the Truth of God. Everyone in the Temple knew this about her. She was a fixture among the Temple goers.

”and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She did not leave the temple grounds, serving night and day with fasts and prayers.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭37‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬

Her entire life was enshrined in worship to the One True God. God revealed things to her. Her words were validated by their fruit.

She spent every single day of 84 years never leaving the Temple enclosure. For 30,660 days she worshipped God night and day. Anna practiced the spiritual disciplines of fasting and praying everyday. Now obviously she did not go without food for 30,660 days, but at some point during her day she would withhold from food so she could more closely commune with God.

Now that’s a productive life.

”What is the purpose of my life? My purpose is to know God, love God, enjoy God, and glorify Him.”

”Lord turn my eyes from worthless things.” I want to live a productive life like Anna. The word productive can be defined differently by different people, but for me a productive life is leaning into God to know Him better, and to be captivated by His great love for me.

Anna was a prayer warrior. I can do that! I can’t do everything but I can do that. My sphere of influence is pretty small. I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a mother-in-law and more. These people are my domain and it is my responsibility to be their prayer warrior.

I am also a daughter and princess of the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! And until He takes me home I can know God, serve God, worship God, and pray and fast for all whom God puts in my circle of responsibility.

I can do what Anna did.

3 thoughts on “ANNA a prayer warrior

  1. You have been a prayer warrior for our little group for decades, we don’t tell you enough how important those prayers have been over the years, but “thankyou” one day you will hear the words “well done my good and faithful servant”

  2. Awwwww, kellye. Those are such good word. I hav such a good heart and pray has always been received by me and covenanted always. Thank u!

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