The last Passover lamb, Jesus the Lamb of God, entered Jerusalem as all the pilgrims were choosing and buying their lamb for the Passover celebration a few days later.
Join me this week as we walk with Jesus through the crowded streets of Jerusalem and journeys toward Golgotha’s Hill.
I am going to tell you a story. “It is a tale as old as time.” No it is not Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. It is the Haggadah, the Hebrew word for “telling.” This is the story of a Passover meal. There is an order to this meal, a Seder (order). The night before … Continue reading BY HIS STRIPES
How DO WE remember
It’s a practice When you think of the word practice, can’t you hear Allen Iverson’s rant, “Practice, we are talking about practice.” The word gets a bad rap. I think of all the times my mother would tell me, “Go practice your piano.” I would rather go to the dentist. Practice - to carry out … Continue reading How DO WE remember
Easter lest we forget what it is truly about. I even wonder why we call it Easter? So I googled it and couldn’t find any definition that suited me. One source says the name was inspired from an Anglo Saxon holiday celebrating a goddess named Eostre , who represents spring and fertility. Well that totally … Continue reading REMEMBER
LOOK! For these next 37 days and counting LOOK! At Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Behold Him! Take hold of Jesus, hold His hand, walk with Him, learn from Him.
40 days
Happy belated Valentine’s Day 2024. February 14th, 2024 fell on a Wednesday. They call Valentine’s Day a holiday for lovers. It is good business for Hallmark and candy companies. I know my grandchildren raked in a bundle of sugar and chocolate. This Valentine’s Day of 2024 also marked another occasion for Christendom. It was the … Continue reading 40 days
We send a three word text, “On the way,” to let people know we will be there soon. We have a destination and people are waiting on us. It’s a simple text, but these three little words contain important information to let people know we will be there. Over 2000 years ago God sent a … Continue reading THE ROAD WORTH TAKING
We topped the crest of the hill and that’s when we saw the field. It looked like a like a lake, miles and miles of solar panels as far as the eye could see. The small west Texas hill had been our horizon. We couldn’t see what was beyond. Now the solar panels filled the … Continue reading HORIZONS
They were the Magi of the east. They were stargazers. It was their job to read the stars and tell the kings what the stars were saying and foretelling futures. In our day we would call them astrologers. One night a new star appeared, and they knew it meant a king had been born to … Continue reading THE GIFTS OF THE MAGI VS THE SCORN OF THE SCRIBES